Monday, May 27, 2019
I thought once the AGM for the Hall was over I’d be able to concentrate on my packing list. Not so. Since I’ll be gone two weeks it seemed like I should get the minutes from the AGM circulated. The Board had a short meeting directly following the AGM so I needed to get those minutes circulated as well. Then there is the filing to be done with BC Registry Services and our list of new directors to prepare for all sorts of government agencies. I made a deposit this morning, and I still need to do some accounting for the bills from the event last night.
I did a few errands for myself today too. I dropped a book off at the library and did a bit of shopping at Walmart. I wanted to get some photos developed at Walmart but they were having almost as much trouble as I was. The only option for printing was 1-second (which is more expensive than their 1-hour), but usually the 1-hour option is also immediate. And their machine couldn’t read my USB drive but I think that was my fault and the way it was formatted; I couldn’t find my “usual” USB drive so used another one I had on my desk. I’ve reformatted the drive and reloaded my photos and I hope that when I go back tomorrow everything will be fine on both ends.
Although I haven’t “really” started my packing the pile of things to take continues to grow. I’ll get serious about it tomorrow.