Saturday, May 25, 2019
By the time I’d made one (of two) blocks I needed for the Guild and had breakfast it was ten. I was still in my pyjamas and, since I was headed back upstairs to my sewing room, I decided today would be a pyjama day. I haven’t had one in a long time so I was due.
By the time I finished the second block, sewed a border on a quilt top and had lunch it was two. Since I was already in my pyjama’s I decided a nap was in order. I didn’t actually nap; I started a new book and then rested for a bit without ever falling asleep.
I’m back upstairs now and with what is left of the afternoon I’ll either do some more tidying up (so that I can vacuum before I leave on Wednesday) or get everything packed up and ready for tomorrow’s AGM. The Guild’s AGM is next week but I’ll be away; I still am required to prepare reports though but they are pretty much finished.
A thought ran through my head today after I had decided on a pyjama day. Do you think someone who doesn’t wear pyjamas really appreciates the whole idea?