Monday, May 20, 2019
I had a Hall meeting this morning at nine so I was up early getting things tidied up; I started tidying yesterday and then got side tracked by my knitting and planting. I was ready for everyone in plenty of time and the meeting went well. As a result of some of the training we were doing I may have found a new tool to help with my website; I don’t have time to play with it right now though.
I bought a two-drawer legal-sized file cabinet from a friend and she delivered it this morning. I have hauled it upstairs but it will be a day or two before I do anything more with it. The new cabinet will replace the rusty two-drawer letter-sized cabinet I’ve been using for Cranberry Hall files.
I have the binding stitched to my latest quilting project and I’ll sit and hand stitch it tonight. Since I had a bit of extra time this afternoon I got two cards ready as well; I’ll add them to the hand stitching pile.
I was thinking of all the things I needed to get done before tomorrow’s bee (my last Secret Pal bag, stuff I’m supplying for the miniature quilt workshop next month, and the latest block of the month) when I realized that there is still one more Tuesday before I leave for Saskatoon and Calgary. It’s like having a bonus day!