Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Pat and I worked in the yard this morning – one of us spent more time out there than the other. Pat trimmed some bushes and trees and transplanted a few things; I was back weeding. I have one more section of the front beds to do and then I’ll start either on the side of the house or the back. The roses in the back need some care and attention but since I have to climb to get to them I’ll want to do that when Pat is at home. I find climbing to get at them is easier (and more fun) than using the ladder.
I traced out my pattern for the collage class on Friday and Saturday. I may have bitten off more than I should have. I love the pattern and I sincerely hope that I love the technique. Apparently we are unlikely to have enough time to get at any actual sewing in the two days; my goodness, what are we going to be doing!
I took care of a bit of Hall work before starting to quilt the borders on my latest project. Pat is teaching a guitar lesson right now so I’ll get back to it. If I don’t finish this afternoon I can likely get it done tomorrow morning before I head out for our afternoon stitching session.
Whew – I made it. I just got a notice that my mouse batteries were very low and I hate having to switch to a connected mouse.