Getting back on the horse

Friday, May 10, 2019

Yesterday I was ready to start some free-motion quilting but I wanted to do a little practice before starting on the “real” thing. I had a miniature quilt that had to be done for Tuesday; it was all cut so I sewed it together, did a bit of stabilizing and got set up for some free-motion practice.

Before getting many stitches in I broke a needle; not good but I changed the needle and started over. But this needle kept coming unthreaded; On checking it was one of those easy-thread needles and the thread was coming out the “easy thread” part. So I changed the needle again and promptly broke another one. Then I remembered that my Farmer’s Wife quilt had a lot of seams coming together at a single point and it was suggested I should have tried a jeans needles.

I put in a jeans needle and got a little further but eventually that broke as well. So I took out all the quilting that I had managed to do and decided that an 11″ x 12″ wall hanging really didn’t need anything more than the stabilizing stitches.

So that left me this morning dreading the thought of doing free-motion on my big quilt. I’ve had a few glitches but overall it is going well and I’m happy with the results.