Wednesday, May 8, 2019
I spent the first part of my morning working on a task for the Hall. I’ve had it on my desk for a couple of weeks but I’ll leave it for one more check tomorrow before finalizing it and sending it off.
Wednesday means a morning in the yard and today was one of the best days yet. The weeds are still growing and even the spots I’d weeded previously needed a bit of a touch up but it was sunny and there was a light breeze and the wonderful scent of the lilacs was accompanying me wherever I worked. I did some trimming on the lavender as well and from time to time the lavender overpowered the lilacs. I hate weeding, but I’m starting to enjoy the yard.
We met our next door neighbours this morning; they’ve been there for awhile but we’d never met them. I was doing the weeding and Pat was supervising from the deck when they came home from somewhere. They seemed very friendly and they have a small baby.
This afternoon I’ve been busy quilting. I have just a few more blocks to go and I’ll be done the stabilizing and first design work. I’ve changed my mind a few times regarding where I’ll go from there but hopefully just getting at it will point the way.