Wednesday, April 24, 2019
I’ve started setting my alarm for 6 AM so that I can get in a couple of hours at the computer before my day really starts. It feels a little like work; answering e-mail and taking care of computer tasks all while I have my coffee. I do see that I’m making progress though so until such time as I don’t have any reminders on my list (I’m currently sitting at ten of them) I’ll continue with the plan.
I was at the Hall this morning to turn over a key and accept a deposit. On the way home I stopped for a few groceries. Once they were put away I made up a couple of shepherd’s pies; we had some left-over gravy that I wanted to use up. Of course to use up the gravy I had to buy beef, pork and lamb along with some carrots, celery and onion. It might have been cheaper to throw the gravy out. At any rate we have two casseroles in the freezer for a couple of future meals.
I came upstairs after lunch to cut some fabric for my Thursday sewing project. I only had one piece cut when I realized the sun was shining and I should be sandwiching a quilt. I got my two tables set up on the back step and spray-basted (as well as pinned) the quilt. It was certainly easier on my knees but I’m feeling my back. That could be because after I finished sandwiching I folded the tables up and lifted them into the trunk of the car for the retreat. The tables may fold up nicely but they are still very heavy.
I’ll do a bit more cutting before dinner and then I’ll knit for the evening. At least I hope I’ll knit; the last two evenings I have been reverse-knitting. If I ever get back to where I can start the pattern again I’ll put in a life-line.