Saturday, April 20, 2019
It is a beautiful day out there. Moreen and I went for a long walk this morning (more than our 10,000 steps). I love walking with Moreen as she isn’t afraid to follow a branch of a trail just to see where it goes. Today we were on a very muddy track but she figured out a way for us to bushwhack our way parallel to the mud and then she found our way back again. There were loads of trails where we were and I’m sure we’ll go out there again another day.
I really should be out in the yard doing some much needed cleaning up and weeding – or cutting the grass even. But I’ve been working on the design changes for the rail fence quilt I’m doing and I want it done. I have two more sides to add and then I’ll leave it until Thursday to see what the ladies think I should do next. I’m thinking just a border around the edge and calling it finished, but we’ll see.
I could also be out on the deck sandwiching quilts. I purchased a second table to make the sandwiching easier and we haven’t had a sunny day since when I wasn’t busy with something else. I’m hopeful the sun will carry over to tomorrow and I’ll get outside and do something.
Back to work!