It doesn’t seem like progress but …

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

I was back working on my Half-Square Triangle quilt today. I changed my mind (again) on the setting; I think I’ve committed myself far enough into the project that changing my mind again would be too much work no matter how good the idea.

I stitched one block to test my new idea and for the rest of my sewing day I stitched pieces of blocks and pressed about 100 HSTs. Next week I’ll start trimming them and then, hopefully before the end of the month, I’ll be able to get some blocks and rows completed.

We had our miniature meeting and I came home with a prize. It was a random “pick a number” and my prize was a pencil cup – I’m not sure it was worth an entire days work. We have another meeting next month and I’m going to take something to retreat to work on so I’m not down to the wire next time. I’ve already picked out my pattern and fabrics so just a bit of cutting to do.

I had a bit of shopping to do after the bee but I didn’t go to the Hall as I normally do. As far as I knew no one had left me any money and I checked the mail on Sunday so it didn’t seem necessary. I did purchase a First Aid Kit for the Hall so I didn’t entirely neglect my duties. I also printed tickets for the next show at the Hall.

I did a little bit of knitting after dinner while we watched a couple of programs, but I still have some work to do tonight. I have a bed I need to make for our guest tomorrow and I need to clean up the kitchen a bit. I could probably leave both until the morning but the time goes by so quickly I’ll feel better if it is done tonight.