Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Moreen and I ventured out for a walk this morning, our first since the snow started more than two weeks ago. We took a new path we had both heard about, one that neither of us had been on. We were never far from a house or business so we didn’t get lost. It was surprising how much snow there was on some parts of the trails and how little there was when we were walking through forests.
Since we both thought it might be icy and snowy we took our walking sticks. I’m glad I had them and that we were out early enough that for the most part nothing was melting. On the way home we ended up having to go around some muddy parts of the path. We may travel that route again as there were a lot of paths going in various directions and we just picked one as we came to it. Lots more exploring to do. My knees and wrists don’t think it felt so good to be out but I should sleep well tonight.
When I got home there was a message for me about a donation for our door prizes. I called another business and got two lovely (and very generous) baskets. Since one of the gifts was from A & W, I bought Pat lunch.
You’d think after all that exercise I’d have energy to burn but I feel more like taking a nap that doing the work that I need to do. I’ll get my reports ready for the Guild meeting tomorrow night and then I’ll get my project ready for stitching tomorrow.
And if there is any time left I can always go back to my organizing.