Monday, January 7, 2019
Quilting on my snowflakes went very well today. I don’t know why I fight with my machine; I know it likes the same thread in the bobbin and the top but I seem to continually try to make it work with different weights between the two. Usually it is because the colour I use on top is different than the backing colour and I hate to have my quilting show. I think this quilt has taught me my lesson and I won’t struggle with it next time, I’ll just do as it wants.
I started the day without knowing exactly what sort of quilting I’d be doing around on the 22 snowflake blocks. In the end I did my usual squiggles – I’m not perfect at it but it is better and faster than most other things I try. I’ve finished them all and I even managed a few other tasks throughout the day.
I’ve been working on the insurance policy for the Hall and after half a dozen e-mail messages back and forth as well as one telephone conversation I think it has been resolved. It certainly was an education for me, and no doubt a huge source of frustration to our agent! I’m going to track how many messages were exchanged in the entire process so I can report to the Board; I asked for help with it but no one stepped up.
It was a beautiful sunny day today and I enjoyed my quick-ish trip to the Post Office. I took the long way around to get there (along Marine, through Townsite, up the hill to Cranberry and then back into town) because I like to keep my battery charged. The car may be sitting for a day or two as we have snow in the forecast for tomorrow!
I still have a few things to take care of before supper. I need to pick a pattern for a card so I can work on it tomorrow at the bee; I’ll also take along my Farmer’s Wife blocks as I may be able to finish the sashing on them. I’ll also throw in the final pieces that I need for my Farmer’s Daughter; they are hand stitched so will be a good filler at the end of the day. At some point this evening I’m hoping to find a pattern to quilt on the final border of Taylor’s quilt.