It’s been awhile

Saturday, December 15, 2018

My first “away” trip was to Texada for a long weekend. It was a busy one, but even when I’m busy over there I come home relaxed. Friday night we went out for dinner, Saturday I was at a quilter’s Open House (for her birthday), Saturday night Pat was playing at a fund raiser for the Syrian family, and Sunday we went to the United Church’s all-music service.

We got home late Sunday afternoon and by mid-morning on Monday I was on the bus to Christy’s. Travelling by bus makes for a long day; I had almost a two-hour wait on a ferry out of Langdale (Gibsons) and then it was a mad dash (on an Express bus) to get from Horseshoe Bay to the West Coast Express station. It all worked out and I had less than a five-minute wait for Christy before we got aboard the train.

It wasn’t the best time to visit because everyone was working and/or at school. I was there for Dylan’s 13th birthday so the timing couldn’t be changed. I was able to walk Taylor to school every day (usually in the pouring rain) and picked her up once after school. I cooked supper a couple of nights – Dylan and I were alone for supper on his birthday and that felt very special (I made him his favourite dinner). Rick’s family came for cake in the evening; George’s Mum was there so it wasn’t a quiet event.


Dylan loves Lego and he received two cars for his birthday. Even though both boxes say 16+, he had the first one done in just over three hours.







Taylor is getting ready for her first gymnastics competition. Some of the things she does with her little body is quite scary. Imagine giving yourself a head massage with your feet!

There were wind warnings up for Friday when I was leaving so I got to the ferry terminal early in case some sailings were cancelled. Both of the ferry routes I was taking were going through relatively sheltered waters and everything went smoothly. I even avoided rain most of the trip.

Today I’ve been busy catching up – lots of Cranberry Hall work, a bit of Guild work, and lots of my own e-mail messages. I had a short nap this afternoon – I’m fighting a cold. There is still work to be done tonight but I may not carry on much longer. I have a book due back at the library on Monday and I could probably get it done tonight if I worked at it.