
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Before the time change I was often up at 5:30 in the morning, and I was usually in bed reading until 11 PM. With the time change my body is still on the same rhythm – I’m awake at 4:30 in the morning and falling asleep reading at 10 PM. I’m not sure what it will take to get me back on my usual track. I admit that being up at 4:30 allowed me to get a lot done before heading off to the bee. I sorted through the recycle and took two bins to the depot; I sorted the cans and bottles and took more than $6 to the bottle depot. I stopped at Safeway and picked up some water for the studio in anticipation of my trip on the weekend. I almost feel like I could go to bed now, or at least have a nap, but I’ll struggle through for a few more hours. Maybe the shock of late nights at the retreat will get me back on track.

I’ve had another change of plan for this weekend retreat. Originally the person who is staying at the studio was going to drive; I planned to go to the studio on the weekend and make sure things were tidied up and a bit of furniture moved around so there was a little more room for hide-a-bed to open. Last Thursday she told me she wouldn’t have room for both of us (and our stuff) in her truck so I decided to stay home on the weekend and head to the studio on Thursday night. Then I decided (on my own) that I would go over on Wednesday and skip my usual Thursday stitching. Today at the bee the plans had changed again – now there apparently would be room for both of us and our stuff in her truck. So the new plan is that we’ll head over on Friday morning, stop and unload a few things at the studio and then head to the hall where we hold the retreat. I won’t have a chance to do any tidying or re-arranging or even make the bed, but I’m glad not to be driving.

The problem with packing too far in advance of the retreat is that I’ve had time to change my mind about a project. I was going to do some half-square triangles (using the new method) using just scraps but now I think I want to have them a little more organized – a colour with a neutral shade. I have time to cut a few more squares tomorrow and I’ll also be able to prep this week’s Splendid Sampler block.

Some things don’t change though – I’m going to continue my knitting project tonight.