No distractions

Thursday, June 14, 2018

I really wanted to do the Splendid Sampler 2 block that was released today; it was a pretty simple block and it wouldn’t have taken too much time. My deal with myself was I’d get a card finished and then I’d do the new block (x2 so I’d have a card ready the next time I needed it).

The card I was working on today seemed pretty simple; paper piecing with a bit of piecing as well. Not so. The pattern had you cut out specific sizes for the paper piecing; being as efficient as I am I cut out all the pieces for the card and another set (for my Splendid Sampler Second Time Around). Sadly those first pieces were too small; I made a note to myself and cut some more.

Again the pieces didn’t work on the angle they needed to be at. So I cut them extra large (although I had to switch fabrics so I’d have enough) and got on with it. But on the second one I missed one of the strips and that meant more cutting and starting that particular piece over.

I finally managed to get the top finished by lunch (a late lunch); I sandwiched and quilted it this afternoon. I’ll take the hand stitching to do on the ferry tomorrow (we’re off to Vancouver), along with some thread that Taylor has requested so I can fix a few of her stuffies.

We have the doll house, cabinet and furniture loaded into the truck. Since we are driving I have a couple more things I want to take to Christy’s.

I think there is time to pack before supper.