Getting there

Sunday, April 8, 2018

I spent the morning catching up on my Friday block for the 1880 Sampler. As I’ve been doing, I also made an extra one to use as a card top. I’m so glad Stacia put this idea in my head. I’ve already got a good start on my May cards. I would have liked to have carried on with more projects, but I had quite a few things I needed to get done in the next couple of days so I set it all aside and got down to work.

I think I am almost ready for the Cranberry Hall Board meeting. This will be the last meeting before our Member Appreciation event and our Annual General Meeting so I have a stack of notes, mostly notes to myself. Even when I thought I was done and had everything printed, I found myself adding little written items to many of the pages. I thought my reports were ready, but I just realized that I missed one of them. It’s a good thing I still have a day to run through it all again.

After I gave up on that task I got busy scanning all our income tax documentation. I’d like to have it ready for the mail tomorrow but that will depend on whether or not I think of a lot of things I need to do before the meeting tomorrow. Scanning was the biggest job though and that’s done; the rest of it just needs to be organized a bit, have a few notes added, and then all plopped into an XPress post envelope.

The meeting tomorrow night is at our place so I think a bit of vacuuming will be in order some time before then.