Saturday, June 24, 2017
I’ve been working all day but I haven’t accomplished much. I slept in so I had to leave for my hair appointment right after breakfast. From there I stopped at the Credit Union with another Cranberry Hall deposit. When I got home I pulled a few weeds because I wanted to test my killing-vinegar solution; some of the weeds pulled out easily but I think some of the others may need another dose.
In case you are wondering I found my missing pattern last night. How it got into a bin with some table runner kits (and a Winnie The Pooh cloth book) I’ll never know. I planned to take it to the Island to work on but now that I’ve read the instructions I think it is better done at home. That won’t be a problem time-wise because I’ll be moving my Bingo quilt to the back burner as Dylan and Taylor won’t be able to come up at the end of August as I had hoped. It will be ready and waiting for next year though.
I had three embroidery projects that I wanted to get ready for either our trip to Calgary or for the Island. I’m thinking now that they might be better left for our Island trip; if we take carryon luggage it is always a mystery whether or not they will allow my scissors and needles. I traced the patterns and have my threads picked; I’m going to use pearl cotton rather than floss for these particular pieces.
I really wanted to get the upstairs cleaned up today but I might not get that done. My sewing room is almost there but the kids playroom (my cross stitching room) is a disaster. Before I go any further though I have to get Christy’s birthday present ready for the mail on Monday.