Tuesday, June 13, 2017
“If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” fit my day perfectly yesterday. I finished weeding one corner of the yard but the rest of the day was unproductive or downright annoying! You must be thinking our yard is a disaster if I need to do all this weeding. In truth, some spots were a disaster but in others I’m just getting ahead of the disaster that could come. I’m picking teeny, tiny weeds that will grow into much larger ones if they aren’t picked now. While I do that I’m turning the soil a bit and Pat is following behind me (often a day later) putting bark mulch over everything. The beds have matured enough that I’m weeding around plants and I don’t need to worry if what I’m looking at is a plant or a weed, something I’ve had trouble with in past weeding adventures. I have one bed along the side of the house to do (tomorrow if it doesn’t rain too hard) and then I’ll be on to the roses at the back and finally the stone wall at the front. However, as Kathryn says, by the time I’m done I’ll have to start all over again!
I originally thought the quilt I sandwiched could be taken to the bee for quilting but I decided against that. I’m trying some Sashiko patterns and I doubt it will go smoothly so better done at home! I took a card to do some quilting on but after trying some free-motion quilting three times I decided to give up and bring it home to finish; I just couldn’t get the tension right.
I took along my bin with my Bingo project and thought that would fill the rest of my day. I haven’t worked on it for awhile so when I was pulling it out last night I decided to change my design a little. It will be a beach quilt that, hopefully, the kids can play Bingo on. Since I don’t have any kids coming until late in August (if at all) I think I have time to get it done. The sewing I did today certainly went quickly and I was finished with what I had by about 1:30.
There is a slim chance I can get that card quilted before supper so I’ll be ready to tackle the Sashiko when I have my next sewing day.