Just one more

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

I thought I was all finished my Christmas presents but when my latest knitting project neared completion I decided to do just one more package. I dropped it off at the post office this afternoon, after spending a very leisurely morning watching some Netflix and finishing the project.

Click to open the book

This afternoon the Library’s Memoir group launched their latest book – an e-book that you can read by clicking on the photo. Pat read the story he contributed to the book. There were only three readers so the time went quickly and then there were goodies after. I know several people from the various memoir-writing groups who have stories in this publication. One of our house concert regulars was another of the readers; I knew she and her husband had led a very interesting life but I had no idea she was writing stories about it.

I still haven’t made any progress in my studio. I think what is putting me off is that I’ve promised myself I’d do a clean-up and re-arrange before starting to sew again. It helps (or allows me to feel okay about putting it off) that I am always able to find something else to do. Without a plan for my days they tend to get away from me and, at the end of the day, I really haven’t accomplished anything. I do have some plans for tomorrow but none of them involve doing any of that cleaning!

I’ve done a bit of Guild work this afternoon. Our Guild party is tomorrow and they were looking for some games. At the bee yesterday I was given a sheet of questions and was asked to see if I could figure out what the answers should be; luckily I found the quiz on-line and printed the answers. While I was looking I found a couple of other games that might work for the party so I printed those off as well. I’ve also added all the riddles that I used in my Advent calendars so there will be lots to choose from. I’m neither on the Program Committee nor the Party Committee but somehow I seem to end up with these small “computer” tasks.

And speaking of computer tasks and the Guild, I’ve been asked to do up some samples of invitations for our 30th Anniversary party. No wonder no cleaning gets done!