At the Guild’s 2023 quilt show there as a display from Woolies on the Coast of a chicken block done in wool felt embroidery. I couldn’t get it out of my mind and before I knew it I had convinced Stacia and Deloise to stitch along with me. Not only did we get that first block but we bought the entire series of six, and each of those six had a bonus block.
I was very tentative in starting out and really didn’t have a lot of confidence when I got to the end. I enjoyed the stitching but was thankful for the pile of embroidery books and youtube videos to help me with the various stitches. I also admit I copied some of Stacia’s ideas.
When it came to putting it all together I made up my own version. I wanted to add all the bonus blocks in with the main blocks so added some appliqué vines and flowers. In the end, I was very happy with it.
The next chore was to figure out a way to quilt the project. For the appliqué blocks I as able to do a mattress stitch but I didn’t want to stitch over the embroidered blocks. I decided to hand quilt those larger blocks. I used a big stitch hand quilting technique to finish the project.
This was an entry into the Guild’s 2025 quilt show.
I saw one block of this on display at the 2023 quilt show and before I knew what I was doing I had ordered kits for six blocks. It is my first attempt at wool felt embroidery. I quilted some of this by hand (another first for me) and some on my domestic Janome.