Productive Procrastination

Saturday, September 16

What a wonderful expression! I didn’t come up with it myself – it came from a conversation Gail and I had yesterday. As soon as I heard it I knew that was what I was going to do today.

My sewing room is a disaster and there is no way I can settle down to sew until it is cleaned up. But today, instead of tidying, I decided I’d rather pull weeds – so you know how bad the room is.

I cleared the patio and deadheaded a few plants that were done for the year. I cut some dahlias for the house – they are still going strong. I did the watering. I haven’t been watering much lately because there is condensation every morning but a few of the pots were looking a bit droopy so I took care of them.

This afternoon I did a bit more productive procrastination and worked on my computer. Time now to quit and maybe do a little cross stitching.