Busy Day

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

I had a very quiet day yesterday. I may have been a bit depressed. I fought back tears all through my treatment and then spent the rest of the day laying on the bed and reading. I gave myself a stern “talking to” this morning and it seems to have worked because I’ve had a better day today.

My treatment this morning was later than usual so I did some stitching until it was time to go. Being later they were a bit behind and I was probably ten minutes late getting in. We still had lots of time to walk the couple of blocks to see my oncology doctor. The waiting room was packed and I expected we’d be waiting a long time but I think we actually got in a bit early.

We have spoken to Dr. Mitri a few times over the phone and it was nice to meet him in person. He is really a nice man and I was impressed that he knew my history without referring to a chart, notes, or his computer. I’ll see him again in about six months but he assured us we could call him anytime. He’ll continue to work with Dr. Burns in Powell River too. He answered all my questions and basically said once the radiation is done I just need to go home and recover.

We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant down the hill and then took a long drive to a Canadian Tire store to pick up a cultivator. Pat thinks it will work well for the beds; I’m not convinced but if he is going to be the one using it I don’t really care. I found a propane torch for killing weeds in the patio bricks but Pat thinks I should check it with the fire department first because there is a fire ban in effect.

We took a drive out to Pacific Spirit Park and did a walk – lots of trails through the trees and we stuck to flat ground. There was a lot of cotton in the air (it bothers me) but once we were in the trees we didn’t see it.

Supper is over and I think the rest of my day will be spent laying on the bed reading – but not because I’m depressed, I’m just tired.