Tuesday, December 13, 2022
I won’t lie, I had a tough 24 hours yesterday. It was that horrible headache that just wouldn’t go away. The medical people keep pushing Tylenol but I’ve known for a long time that Tylenol doesn’t work for me. I was nauseous this morning but I think that was more from the headache than the treatments. As soon as I was able this morning, I called the Oncology ward and got approval to take the Aleve. Within hours of taking the Aleve I was feeling better – headache still there but under control.
I’m experiencing one of the common side effects of the infusion injections I’m taking; nothing I can’t handle. I have a spasm of pain through my stomach every now and again. They only last the length of a breath; a deep breath in and out controls the pain.
The Oncology doctor from Vancouver called this afternoon just to check in. The results of both the bone and CT scan are in and they show no cause for concern.
After being indoors and in bed for so long I thought I’d like some fresh air. For a good long time late this morning I sat out on the back deck, wrapped up in sweaters and a quilt and enjoyed the fresh air. There wasn’t a lot of sunshine but it wasn’t wet.
We may head out to mini-golf this evening; the Fire Department have a walk-through light display. I’m not going to be able to see the concert I look forward to each year so this will be our Christmas “thing”.