Working overtime

Thursday, October 6, 2022

When I worked for a pay cheque my hours were usually seven to three. I’ve worked those hours and more today.

This morning I worked on Pat’s accounting. There were lots of questions but he was able to answer them quite quickly. I was also able to finish off the areas from yesterday where I had other questions.

This afternoon I’ve been working on cleaning out the Hall paper files. I think I’m about half finished, maybe more, but I have a huge bin of shredding to do. I think it will be something I can do in my first weeks of recovery after surgery; I’ll need help emptying the shredding bin though.

I had hoped to go across to Texada today but I was waiting for the garbage pickup. We had a bear get into the garbage while we were on Texada the last week; the night before last I was lucky to be looking out the kitchen window when I saw the bear (I’m assuming it is the same one) across the street at City Hall. Due to the holiday last weekend though the garbage pickup was put back a day and they won’t be here until tomorrow.

I was also waiting for a phone call to arrange an appointment for an ECG. I got a call from the hospital yesterday saying I needed some blood work and this ECG; I did the blood work yesterday but I had to wait for the cardiology department to phone me. They called just before noon and my appointment is set for next Tuesday.

I also got a surprise call from the hospital in Comox. The surgeon’s office told me to take the first ferry in the morning (on the 19th), head straight to the hospital and I might be able to have all the tests finished in time to catch the afternoon ferry back. The hospital have me down for an appointment at noon though and then a scan about two hours later. We’ll still have to take the early ferry over and we’ll be very lucky if we are able to catch the afternoon ferry home.

The plan now is that I’ll wait for the garbage pickup tomorrow before heading across to Texada for the weekend. Since I’m now on overtime I think I’ll go do some hand stitching – the pay is the same but I enjoy it more!