Thursday, September 22, 2022

This isn’t my best memory of our trip to France but you can hardly remember France without a thought about the Eiffel Tower. We were in Paris during a World Cup sporting event and shortly after we were here a riot broke out near the Tower. We were far enough away not to get caught up in it but we certainly saw the emergency vehicles and police cars making their way towards the it. It is a nice reminder of the soccer tournament going on at the time – the soccer ball hanging from the Tower.
I had my appointment with the surgeon today and it appears that I am set for surgery on October 20, provided nothing unforeseen happens in the meantime. I was surprised that I will only be in hospital overnight – I thought it would be days at least. I guess once the surgery is done all the “getting better” will be done at home.
Since I’m not expecting any calls about appointments to start for a couple of weeks we came over to Texada on the evening ferry. All is good here and I’m looking forward to some quality relaxation!