And I’m done

Monday, September 19, 2022

I can’t seem to stay away from the photos from our East Coast trip. These chairs were on the lawn in front of the B&B we stayed at in Arichat on Cape Breton Island. Not only do I love this photo that I took, I also have a post card with the same photo advertising L’Auberge Acadienne Inn. We toured the lobster plant there and they served fried bologna as a breakfast option – and it was sliced thick just like we had at home!

The Hall President was coming over this afternoon for more transition training. I spent the morning going through my digital files because she wanted to know how I organized myself. I outlined all the file folders I use and cleared a few things out that I knew she wouldn’t want. I could hardly believe that when I was done it was already past noon.

I did a bit of stitching while I waited for Annabelle. We went through a lot of things, she took a lot of notes, and we even had her logging onto her laptop so she could do stuff. At the end of our session Pat reset the forwarding address for the Hall so I will no longer be getting any of the e-mail messages about bookings or anything else. Whew!

I still have to transfer a few digital files to a USB stick to pass to Annabelle, as well as go through the paper files I have here. A lot of them will be shredded so I have a bin ready to throw things into. The filing cabinet will eventually go to the Hall. They are having a work party sometime in October to clean out the attic and I’m hopeful I can have the paper files sorted and done by then so the filing cabinet can be moved that same weekend.

Supper is late tonight as we watched a replay of the Queen’s funeral. We still have another hour plus to go but we’ll watch that after supper.