Tuesday, August 23, 2022
As usual there is never enough time in the day to get everything done that I have on my list. Yesterday was no different. I thought I could get a couple of quilt tops finished but by the end of the day I didn’t have even one done. I started a card but that also got set aside to finish another day.
When I got up this morning I didn’t feel my usual, “Oh boy, it’s a sewing day”. Although I had my bag packed for the day I wasn’t terribly interested in doing any of the things I’d packed so I decided to stay at home and work on something I did want to get done.
When I emptied my bin of orphan blocks and things I thought the Guild could use for Community Quilts I found a bag of hand-pieced stars that I brought home from the Guild a few years ago. Nobody wanted to tackle putting them together so, like the fool I am, I brought them home with me and hid them away. Yesterday I managed to get all the stars put together in a quilt top but it may have been a waste of time. There are some stains on the fabric that I’m hoping will come out in the wash, and some of the fabric is very, very thin. It isn’t good quality quilting fabric but it is old and, for the time, that may have been the best that was available. Finding a quarter-inch seam was almost impossible so I lost a lot of points. Today I added borders and I’ll set it aside again for sandwiching.
While I was putting the stars together I was using my postage stamp block as a leader and ender. I finished putting that block together today. This is the last one that I need for the September Reveal party.
I could have moved on to borders on another quilt top but instead I’ve started on the next clue for my summer mystery. I may even have time before supper to tackle the card that I have started.