
Sunday, August 21, 2022

I had some computer work to do this morning and I decided that I’d work my way around the room cleaning up what I could. I passed off a couple of Hall duties to another Board member and cleared away some paper and digital files that I/they won’t need any longer. I paid my bills, as well as the Hall’s and I did a bit of prep work for the Guild meeting coming up early in September.

To the left of my desk I had a pile of miscellaneous blocks as well as my postage stamp blocks. I picked out nine of the blocks and set them aside for my Circle of Nine demonstration. Then I trimmed up a few four patches that will eventually go into my postage stamp quilt and put all of that mess away.

I tackled my cutting board next. I cut out five more block of the month packages for the Guild, sorted through their bin of fabric and put it all neatly back in the bin. I was tempted to do a bit of sewing, and even stitched a few seams, before deciding that I needed some cards for the mail next week.

The cards I’m working on are English Paper Pieced and I’m in the midst of doing the prep work for them. My table topper is in my Tuesday bag for hand stitching and, if I get these cards sorted, I’ll add them to the bag.

Pat and I are going to Victoria on Friday for the weekend. Pat’s truck has been acting up and we decided it might be better to take my car instead. Pat drove it to Lund one evening and said he could barely see out the windshield because it was so dirty; he must not have as good eyesight as I do because I never found it to be a problem. Today he decided to wash the car windows. Before he was done he had vacuumed the floors, washed the dashboard and windows, and he even took it through the car wash. Aside from not being able to see well enough I think he was embarrassed to be seen in my messy car!

I’ll get back now to my paper-piecing.