Some progress

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

It is so much cooler today that this morning I put on long pants and Pat used the “C” word (cold). It is unusual to see a cruise ship heading north in the morning but the Comox ferry had just left, the Texada ferry was coming in so it had to be a cruise ship out in the Strait. It was cool and windy though so we didn’t watch it for long.

I spent the first part of the morning putting together some kits for the Guild. I brought home most of the Community Quilt fabric in the Spring so it could be put together so it would actually get used. I had already put together a bag and a quilt but, due to copyright issues, I had to re-package them. I’ve been moving fabric for 3-yard quilts from one spot in my sewing room to another but today I cut and packaged up two quilts. Again, due to copyright, whoever takes the packages will have to either have their own pattern book or borrow one of the two we have in the library. There is still a lot of fabric to do something with but at least I’ve made a start.

And speaking of lots of fabric, I finished all the blocks I’ll need for the backing on my own 3-Yard quilt. There are still a lot of scraps in the bin but I’ll cut the pieces down and add them to my own scrap stash.

I went to the Guild bee today to drop off a few things and pick up a few other things. I didn’t sew but it was lovely and cool in the basement room. I should have been there last week when it was so hot.

I have a bit more work to do this afternoon for the Program meeting on Thursday and then I need to go out and deadhead the daisies.