The hardest part is waiting

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Pat and I were at the grocery store shortly after seven this morning. Pat had an online session at nine so we wanted to be finished in plenty of time for that. It didn’t take long to get everything on the list. Pat had the cart and walked through the store while I zeroed in on specific things on the list. While Pat did the fruits and vegetables (I noticed there were none of those on Kathryn’s list) I got the cereals and snacks. I don’t know the store well and their signage is terrible. I was looking for Kraft dinner but it isn’t in the pasta aisle. I was looking for Mio and it wasn’t with the drinks but in with the juice. Eventually I gave up shopping on my own and just followed Pat around.

I wanted to clear the boulevard before our company arrived but I had to wait until Pat finished online so the mower didn’t disturb him. As it turned out before I got the mower out he had the weed whacker going and did the whole boulevard with that. We were wanting to let it go natural; the poppies and some other purple flower that blew in were lovely but the grass got out of hand. Pat said he didn’t think the mower would have been able to handle it. I’ll keep up on the mowing going forward.

I felt somewhat at loose ends this afternoon – nothing to do but wait for tomorrow. I made a card and wrapped it for the mail. I don’t know what I’ll do to fill my time tomorrow.

Company is here until Thursday; I won’t be back until Friday.