Tuesday, July 12, 2022
I had some time this morning before heading off to sew and I thought I would use it to start cleaning the upstairs rooms. I need to move a lot of stuff from the “other room” into my sewing room but first I need to clean up my sewing room. I had bins all over the floor so I started by combining several bins into two larger ones. It is scary how many kits I have that haven’t been started.
With one empty bin I was then able to put all my “almost finished” projects into it. I’ve got four bins that have tops to be quilted – some are already sandwiched so they take more room. I’ve done nothing more since I got home.
I had a good day at sewing. I have all the squares sewn together that I’m going to need to turn into half-square triangles for my Pinwheels for Caroline quilt. I’ll get the pinwheels done before I start on the next 77 blocks I need!
I’ve done a bit more research on the copyright issues and it seems that I’m not going to be able to do nearly as much as I’d like to with the Community Quilt fabric. My plan was to make a lot of 3-yard quilts but I sent a letter off to the company and they say I’m welcome to use the patterns for our charity quilts but I’m not allowed to copy the patterns to give to other guild members. There is no way I’m going to make all of them myself. They pointed me to a website that has a few of their quilts available for download but I’m not fond of any of them. My copyright guru in the Guild says that I can provide the address for the download and whoever wants to make the quilt can then download it themselves. How that doesn’t break copyright I have no idea but I’ll move on. I have another request out to another company and I’ll see what they say.
I sent the accounting for the Hall off today so that is a load off my mind. I’m sure there will be questions but at least all the information has been collected. I sold one of Mum’s cross stitch patterns through a Facebook group I belong to so I got it wrapped and ready for tomorrow’s mail.
There may be time to do a bit more tidying up before supper so I’d better get at it.