Tuesday, July 5, 2022
I’m hoping that getting back to the Guild bee today will be the reset I need to get me back on track and into my routine. I stitched down a binding on a quilt; all I need to do now is get a label made and attached. I also had time to start work on my Pinwheels for Caroline project; I’m going to make this one my Tuesday project and see where I get to by the end of the month. I had a couple of short meetings about Program Committee “stuff” and the last person I had asked got back to me with a positive response. I think we will have enough people now and hopefully the survey I send out will provide us with enough ideas for demos and classes.
The pile on my ironing board is getting a bit smaller. I was able to put away the new fabric I purchased for That Fairy Tale Quilt; it took me until today to find out where I had stashed the project. I also dug out my 1.5″ strips and put them together with a new pattern I bought; this will be my leader and ender project. There are a few scraps that need to be put into the appropriate bins and I’ve moved some fabric for two 3-Yard quilts to the cutting board. But up next are a couple of cards.
I’m not making much headway on my knitting project. I have the pattern sorted so that I can count the stitches after every row but I’ve had to rip it all out because I knit a row that should have been purled. I started over and, ten rows in, I made the same mistake but I’m only taking out that one row. We’re watching something with sub-titles and I’m not able to read and knit at the same time.