Friday, May 20, 2022
It was a lovely morning and I headed out the back to sandwich my quilts. It took me all friggin’ day but I have three done. It was an added bonus that just as I was taking down my tables it started to spit rain. I’m glad I didn’t give up after two because tomorrow might not be a good day.

This is a Community Quilt. I didn’t piece it but I’ll quilt it before handing it back. It is similar to my May quilt that I won’t have to think too hard about what to do with it.

This is my mystery quilt for this year. I won’t be at the year-end Guild party when we have the big reveal of everyone’s but I’ll pass this along to someone for them to show. As I load the photos I see that this one is very very similar to the Community Quilt so again, I shouldn’t have to think to hard about what I’m going to do.

This is another Guild mystery from three years ago. I never really liked it much and I still don’t. It is longer than that would fit well on my tables and I didn’t do a very good job of basting the layers so it may all have to be done over. But at least the fabric is cut down to size.