I hear a ringing in my ears

Monday, April 18, 2022

The earrings I put on this morning leave a lovely tinkling in my ears when I move my head. That is one of the reasons I like them. The other is that they were a gift from the Thomases and, I was told, that Alex picked them out.

I’m on my second day of quilting and I’m almost done. It went a bit faster once I determined that eyeballing the quilting lines was just about as good as drawing them on the fabric. I have two borders left to quilt; even if I don’t finish them today I’ll take some measurements and piece my binding at the bee tomorrow.

I have another calendar block ready to piece. I’d like to get a couple more cards ready to go but I’m pretty sure there won’t be time to work on them so I’ll wait. I have a card to get ready for the mail tomorrow; it’s fortunate that there is a letter box on the way to the Legion so I don’t have to make a special post office trip.

Pat gave his regular Monday guitar lesson yesterday and he is giving his regular Tuesday guitar lesson today. He has Open Mics in the afternoon or evening (and sometimes both) for the rest of the week but tonight I should be able to get in a good stretch of knitting.