Thursday, February 17, 2022
After three days of intense sewing with Stacia and Deloise I didn’t even turn my sewing machine on today; furthermore, I didn’t even want to. But we had a good session and what didn’t get done this time around will wait for our next session in March. We are all very much looking forward to sewing together, in the same room, in June.
On Monday I worked on our basket project. It is slow going as I had to cut strips, sew them together, cut them again and, finally, sew them together once more. I have one basket done, five more bases finished and the strips for the next six ready to stitch together for the final time.

On Tuesday I finished the second project I worked on last month – my crocuses. It isn’t actually finished but it is sandwiched and waiting to be quilted. That is almost like a finish in my world. On the last day I worked on my scrap challenge for the month – Stay at Home blocks. I still have a few more to make and, at this point, I have no idea what it will become.
One evening I finished my 2021 Peppermint Purple stitch-along. Again, not finished because I’ll have to frame it somehow. Deloise has been telling us about a method and tutorials she found online and I’ll definitely give it a try. I currently have three cross stitch projects waiting to be “finished”.
I got a start on my next stitch-along. It is part of a different group and so far, although I’m liking it, I’m not finding it as easy as the Peppermint Purple was. I’m already seven weeks behind and it is going to take a lot of time to catch up. Good thing I have lots of it – even though it seems the days go by faster every week.