
Sunday, December 19, 2021

I figured out a way to make use of those tiny cards I mentioned yesterday. It took some trial and error but I now have a dozen cards ready for next year. I even cut up some of my Christmas scraps into sizes that I can use for a scrappy quilt – maybe next year.

The last Song Circle was this afternoon. Pat will continue on but I won’t be involved as the Hall isn’t renewing our Zoom license. We are under new Covid restrictions so it is possible we may reconsider but for now I’m glad it is over. I don’t know why I complain as I spent an enjoyable couple of hours working on the border of my Peppermint Purple project.

I had a lovely conversation with Vicki this afternoon. I’ll see her when we are in Calgary. We spent an hour on the phone and when we were actually arranging a date to meet we both laughed at the suggestion we wouldn’t have anything to talk about.

I don’t plan to do any more sewing until we come back from our trip – I’m done.