Monday, August 2, 2021
If you are receiving this post it is because you have found me through my website.
For many years I used a mail delivery system on my website called Feed Burner which worked really well. I’ve know for awhile that the program was going to be discontinued but I underestimated how difficult it would be to find another supported program.
I’ve now tried a couple of different ones and neither has worked out well. They take a lot of time to set up, test and take live and they each came with their own problems. One of them was very sporadic on when and if it sent my latest posts, and the other one sent out posts one at a time rather than a single mail out for the day. I could live with that but the number of fake subscribers with that app were hard to manage.
No doubt if I were willing to pay for an app I could find one that worked well and did everything I wanted it to. But I’m not willing to do that so I’m stuck having to find a different solution.
I’ve given some thought as to what to do next and I’ve come to this conclusion. I want to use the website to keep track of my projects and my books. I’m less interested in keeping track of movies, and if all I’m writing about in my Journal is cleaning, gardening and sewing I think we’re all a little tired of that. Moving forward I’ll keep posting to my Journal if I have something interesting (in my mind) to say or if we do something interesting, but there won’t be a daily post. I will continue to post my projects when they are complete.
Thank you for your past support and I hope you’ll check in with me occasionally.