Sunday, July 25, 2021
I had a wonderful week on Texada but today it is back to reality.

We spent the first couple of days on Texada doing a really good cleaning of the workshop. I have decided (once again) to use the space for sewing. I won’t move my quilting machine back over there but with two design walls it is so much easier to put quilt tops together in the space. I finished a quilt top (all the blocks were already made), worked on clues for two mystery quilts and did some cross stitching. And as you will have already noticed, I did a lot of reading.
I spent the morning today catching up with Pat’s accounting. I started it before we left but it was on my reminder list so I got it done today. The Hall is re-opening and I have a few bookings that needed to be looked after. I also did a bit of work on the Hall’s website. There is still more I’d like to do but it takes time and I want to make sure I haven’t messed anything up before I do too much.
Pat and I picked the last of the blueberries. We had a really good crop this year. I finished eating the berries from the first picking while we were on Texada and I think we have double that amount with this last picking. I need to be out in the yard again tomorrow as the weeds certainly didn’t take a holiday.
I managed to get in a bit of quilting this afternoon. I have the design figured out for the next round of border on my Medallion Mystery. There are three different blocks in the border so I had to figure out what would go into each one. Three out of sixteen blocks isn’t much but it is a start.
I’m done now for the day and will go downstairs where it is cooler to read or do more cross stitch.