July Miniature

Friday, July 16, 2021

I was sewing today with Stacia and Deloise; we worked on our July postcard from the Temecula Quilt Company. As usual mine was very scrappy. The half-square triangles were already finished (leaders and enders) so all I had to do was arrange them in rows.

In my mind our first check in was going to be at nine but that was nine Saskatoon time. I was barely out of the shower when Deloise called to find out where I was. By the time we did our second check in both Stacia and Deloise were pretty much finished their projects while I was still working on the centre of mine. We discussed what we would work on when we finished the miniature; I volunteered that I would get back to my quilting when I finished.

Truth be told I barely finished my project before our last check in of the day. And there was no moving on to another project for me. I suspect Stacia finished catching up on the mystery we are doing and Deloise probably finished the quilt top she’s been working on.