An odd day

Thursday, July 15, 2021

I haven’t gone grocery shopping for a long time; we’ve either had them delivered or Pat has been doing the shopping. But I was at the store right at seven this morning, got what was on the list and was home shortly after 7:30. Since I had decent clothes on (not my gardening ones) I decided I would skip the yard work today. I went out and did the watering both front and back; if we are away next week the plants are going to need some dampness in the ground.

I did a bit of computer work but by ten I was feeling guilty so I got changed and headed out the door. It is much cooler today and I managed to stay out until noon. I was working on clearing the patio bricks; it is the one spot that, when it is done, I feel was worth the effort. Pat will spray sometime in the next couple of days; hopefully the roots will be dry and I can get a few more out after our week away.

Since it was a cooler day I did some baking. I think it was Audrey who “liked”on Facebook the Heaven on Earth cake made with an angel food and cherry pie filling. While it baked I shelled the peas that we got in our last produce bin. We’ve also had zucchinis delivered in our produce bin the past couple of weeks so I made a couple of loaves.

My angel food is baked and cooled so I’ll start putting it together. It has to cool for three hours so dessert will be late tonight.