Killing time

Thursday, June 17, 2021

That sounds like a horror film but it’s not. I’m killing time until I go to my Guild year-end wrap up. I don’t want to be too early, but I want to be early enough to get a good parking spot so I can make a clean get-away in order that we can catch the early evening ferry to Texada. I have a couple of stops to make on the way there so getting the timing just right is tricky.

I was out in the yard early today because I panicked this morning thinking that I wasn’t as prepared for either the meeting or the trip as I thought I was. I had the back yard all cleaned up by 9:30; I thought that getting out earlier would be cooler but it really wasn’t. We get the sun at the back in the morning and it was a hot one from the get-go.

After cleaning myself up I started on my packing. I added a couple of extra projects into my Texada bin; I must think time stands still over there as I have enough things to keep me busy for a month.

It didn’t take long to pack up the things I needed for the meeting tonight. I had to dig my log cabin quilt out of the quilting bin and I had to take my Magnolia Mystery off the bed; the rest of the items were already packed into my Guild bag. I like to prepare for social distancing at these things and not everyone understands the two metre rule so I pack one large bag to sit on one side of my chair and another large bag to sit on the other side. People might still be closer than I’d like but at least they are a little apart. I’ll wear my mask so I don’t expect to have a problem.

I’ve got mixed feeling about the party. I wouldn’t go if it weren’t for the fact that I ran the mystery and I promised the designer I would send photos. I’m still a little freaked out about being in public but the worst thing might be that I know there are games planned – I hate group games!

Anyway, I killed some time this afternoon by sorting through my embroidery floss. And yes, it is about as exciting as it sounds.