Such a diva

June 14, 2021

I had three costume changes before lunch today. When I got out of my pjs I put on what I thought would be my clothes for the day. After my video call I realized that it wasn’t going to be a rainy day as was predicted so I thought I’d go out and work in the yard. So I changed into my weeding clothes.

My intention was to clear out the rose bed in the back so I put on long pants and a long-sleeved sweater. There was a small patch of weeds on the side of the house that I hadn’t finished the last time I was out so I thought I’d start there. But on my way to the side of the house I noticed that the patio bricks needed some clean-up; the dandelions really enjoyed the rain and were sprouting up like crazy. So I pulled those and then finished up the patch on the side of the house.

When I went to the front to empty my weed bucket I decided it was more important for me to mow the lawn than clear the roses. I got that done and raked; I thought maybe I should do the boulevard but didn’t have enough battery power in the mower (or energy in myself) to get that done. I was really hot by the time I finished so I changed into short pants and a blouse and walked up to the letter box with some cards. On my way home I took another look at the boulevard and decided I rather liked the wild look and it certainly matches all the neighbour’s yards..

I’ve spent the afternoon sorting out sewing projects to take to Texada. I have four card kits made up and I need to add some calendar blocks to the bin. I had hoped I’d only have to make a few more 12″ or 6″ calendar blocks for another top but I still need a lot. Tomorrow I’ll make up a few of those kits to take with me.

I’ll spend what’s left of the afternoon on some cross stitching. My brain is too tired to do much of anything else and I do have a project that needs to get done.

I hoping the internet gods have smiled down on me (and not laughed at me) and only the posts I want to go out today will actually be sent to you.