I posted early yesterday afternoon but nothing came through the delivery system. I’ve almost given up but thought I’d contact the MailChimp people to see if they know why the delivery fails more often than it succeeds. My “old” system is definitely being discontinued on July 1st so I either have to sort out the issue or, as I’ve been thinking this week, just stop sending mail when I do a post. Less convenient for people but really not a big deal if they choose not to go to the website and see what I’ve been up to.
Absolutely nothing done this morning except a bit more of the Guild archives processed and a couple more trips to the postal outlet (the Post Office is still closed). As I stood in line for the second time this morning I realized that I’ve been in the mall more this week than through the entire time of the pandemic. I was in at Christmas for some photos and tape, and once in March to get some gift cards. There are no other stores in there that interest me (well other than BCLC) but I’m not telling how many trips I’ve made there during Covid-19.
This afternoon I have to do a bit of tidying up (a lot to be truthful) and I want to get my fabrics selected and cut for the June miniature I’ll be doing tomorrow with Stacia and Deloise. If time allows I’ll try to finish the quilting on Paris Through the Window. I added a few more stitches last night to my cross stitching but nowhere near enough if I’m going to make my deadline for having it done.