Where did the morning go

Friday, May 21, 2021

I went out this morning and picked up my printing from Staples. Some of it was for the Guild but most of it was for my quilting project book. I hadn’t updated anything since October of 2019. I stopped at Kathleen’s to drop off the Guild work and we sat out on her deck and had a nice visit. When I got home I couldn’t figure out why I was so hungry. It wasn’t until I started to eat my snack that I realized it was 11:30, not 10:30.

It took longer than I expected to get the last three borders on my Log Cabin but they are done now. I’ll put it away and quilt it at some later date but I’ll have the top for our June wind-up at the Guild – if we are allowed one. Our orders change next week but the most I’m expecting as far as outdoor gatherings is possibly an increase in the number. We would normally have close to 40 at our wind-up party and I doubt very much that we’ll be allowed to go that high.

I think for the rest of the afternoon I’ll go out to the patio and read. My sewing room needs a good clean-up but I’ll do that tomorrow.