I’m tired

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Audrey often says that when she reads my Journal it makes her tired. Well today doing all the things I’m going to write about in my Journal has made me tired.

I started the day very relaxed. I finished up my Neglected Floss stitching for February; March’s instalment isn’t available yet. I thought I would have at least one of my February Ornament’s of the Month to do but I finished them previously and, again, I’m waiting for March to be released. I knew that another of my Peppermint Purple weekly sections would be available today and I got that stitched up.

I had a bit of computer work to take care of so I started on that. The final clue for the Guild Mystery is due out tomorrow so I got everything prepped for its release. Before I finished the secretary from the Hall messaged me to drop some mail off; there was an invoice so while I was at the computer I got everything paid. By then it wasn’t quite lunchtime but I didn’t want to start anything too onerous so I scanned our tax documents so they’ll be ready to send to the accountant. I had another look at Pat’s accounting and got a few questions answered so, with the exception of one document we’re still waiting on, it is ready.

After a late lunch I got started sandwiching. I was half done the first quilt when my spray canister stopped working. I think the nozzle is plugged; I’ve looked online for a few ways to clear it that will hopefully work as the can is still about half full. I finished sandwiching the quilt with pins.

I really, really wanted to get the second quilt sandwiched so I went ahead, knowing it would have to be pin basted and that I was running short on pins. I have it finished but the pins are very scattered and I think as I quilt each block I’ll re-pin the next block with the pins I take out. I’ve never run out of pins before but I know that I have several quilts sandwiched (and pinned) in my bins waiting for that particular project to show up on my UFO Challenge list (which comes out tomorrow).

It’s too late in the day to start making my Hot Cross Buns but I’ll get the potatoes cooked and mashed and get at them first thing in the morning.