Author: Marina Endicott
I’m not sure where I got this book from or who recommended it but it’s been on my shelf for a long time. I know I was avoiding it; when I went looking for a book I saw it but never wanted to read it.
It’s a good book so whatever put me off it was silly. The story takes place in Saskatoon, although you’d never know it except for some mention of street names (8th Street, Avenue R, etc.) and a few locations (The Senator and the Pat).
Clara is a forty-ish woman who has taken care of both her mother and father as they were dying. One day she is involved in an accident with another car that held an entire family. When the mother, Lorraine, is taken to hospital it is discovered that she has lymphoma. Clara brings the rest of the family to her home – Clayton, the husband, three children, and the mother-in-law. Clayton disappears in her car but is soon replaced by Lorraine’s brother Darwin.
Clara loves the children and she is making plans for what she will do when Lorraine passes. But what happens when Lorraine recovers and lays claim to her family again?
Goodreads Rating: * * * *