Thursday, December 31, 2020
Photos – I really hoped to get at my bins of photos but I’m not sure I even opened one of those bins. I sorted through a few digital photos though.
Music – I mentioned last year that I wasn’t enjoying the concerts as no matter if they were Home Routes, Cranberry Hall or Pat Buckna Presents they just seemed like work. Did I cause this pandemic shutdown? We only hosted one Home Routes concert, we cancelled two sold-out Pat Buckna Presents shows and the Hall didn’t do any shows, in part due to the ongoing renovations that were happening.
Volunteer – I have one more year to serve on the Guild’s membership committee. We wondered in September if we would have anyone joining because we stopped meeting in March. We had a couple of parking lot meetings and most of our members signed up for another year. I also joined the Program Committee and I’m running a mystery quilt for the members. The Blog and Facebook duties also continue although there is little to do on the blog and the members have been much more active on Facebook. At the virtual AGM for the Hall I managed to pass off my secretarial duties as well as one of the new Board members took over most of the work on the website and Facebook.

Needlework – I finished the Princess and am half-done another cross stitch UFO. I’m not thrilled with it so it is taking me a long time but I won’t allow myself to start something new until it is done. I have been working on my small cross stitched quilt blocks but they sit by my chair and I pick them up when I’m waiting on something in the kitchen.
Knitting (and Crocheting) – I made another delivery of knitted and crocheted items to the Salvation Army. I managed to start working on the first afghan only a few days ago.
Guild – The Challenge for the year was finished in time for the June parking lot meeting. None of the Guild classes ran during the year and the retreats were both cancelled. We’re continuing with the Block of the Month program via e-mail and I’ve managed to keep up.
Books and Movies – I completed my 50 book challenge this year. As I entered my last book into Goodreads and was browsing the titles I noticed a couple that were missing. I went back to my journal and found the dates for some missing book finishes. So, in total, I read 53 books according to Goodreads but I know it was 54 because I read one book written by a friend.
Outside of the film festival I only saw three movies except for Netflix and I didn’t keep track of the good ones or the bad ones.
A couple of my favourite cards
Cards – Including all my Christmas cards I made 75+ cards this year. With the exception of a few bonus blocks I have completed the Splendid Sampler series and have started on the Splendid Sampler 2. I’ve added a couple of my favourites.

Quilting – All the adventures Stacia, Deloise and I had planned were cancelled but we managed a couple of online retreats that were a lot of fun. Of my 12 projects on my UFO Challenge list I finished three quilts and have the tops done on six others. I made three sets of curtains and finished an additional three quilts. I have seven additional quilt tops ready to quilt (guess what is on my UFO list for 2021).