Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Sometimes coming up with a title is the trickiest part of this journal, particularly when it was a routine day without any surprises.
I got a lot of computer work done this morning; I have a number of task reminders that come up at the middle of the month. We had a grocery order delivered early this afternoon. I thought about going to the store but decided there was no need to put myself at any risk so had them delivered. We’ll likely do an in-person shop before Christmas to pick our own veggies for our dinner.
I finished another clue in my Guild mystery. This clue, number 6, was actually intended as the final clue but I’ve decided to split it into two parts. The final clue will be now be released in April so there will still be lots of time for the participants to get the quilt top done before the June show-and-tell in whatever form that might take.
I didn’t have any luck at the post office yesterday so I brought my package back home. I’ll go again towards the end of the week. It isn’t a Christmas gift so it doesn’t need to compete with the Christmas parcels already in the mail stream.
Pat has a meeting tonight and I think I’ll read. I’m ready to move on to another story but I’m only halfway through this book. I made some progress on the knitted hat but noticed as I was finishing up last night that I have a split stitch so I want to take it back and get it done correctly. I don’t know why I’m fussing so much with this particular hat. I love the yarn I’m using and it is a really nice pattern but it will, when finished, be a donation.