Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Who knew you could get plants delivered by mail? Christy sent me plants for my birthday, delivered through the post office. They came planted in small pots with a ceramic pot the small container fit into. Everything you need in one big box.
The paperwork that came with the plants listed an app you could use to monitor your amigo. I tried to download it to my iPad but it is too old so I tried it on my Mac. Sadly the app will only work with an iPhone or some other iOS operating system. But Pat downloaded the app to his iPad so we were in business.

As part of the setup you had to give your plant a name. Then you told it how much sun the plant would receive in the “cozy” spot you decided to place it. It also wanted to know the size of the plant. Now that I’m set up the app will send an e-mail that will tell me when to water, how much to water, and when to fertilize.
I’m hopeful that with all those instructions coming my way I can keep my new friends happy!