Thursday, September 17, 2020
I planned two things for today in my sewing room.

I wanted to get the Mystery Quilt Deloise and I have been working on finished today. The designer is asking for photos by the first week of October; I decided that since I was added on as her first BC participant I should send her my photo. I’m not sure the border I added today actually improves it but it is what it is. Not an issue with the design but my choice of fabrics could have been better.
I also wanted to get a new bandana done for George. I bought some cute dog fabric that I wanted to use and then I heard that Taylor wanted a green one. I have two bandanas cut out; they don’t take long to sew and I hope to have them in the mail on Monday along with Taylor’s new blankie which I still haven’t quite finished.

And since I hadn’t done one for a long time I decided to do today’s daily block.
I have a Zoom meeting tonight for 100+ Women Who Care so I’d better get my dinner.