Tuesday, September 8, 2020
I spent most of the morning working on Hall stuff for my meeting tonight. My thought was that now that since I had passed the Secretarial duties on to someone else I wouldn’t have much prep work to do; I guess that won’t happen until the next meeting. Last year I worked on and distributed a procedures manual for the new Board members; today I updated the information and printed out copies not only for the new Board members but also for the “old” ones. Some of the information had changed and it seemed easier to print out new copies for everyone rather than figure out which pages had changed. I’m not convinced anyone reads them but they can’t say I didn’t try.
We had another squirrel whale moment at lunch when we were talking to Kathryn. Two humpbacks were swimming down the Salish Sea and doing a lot of pectoral slaps as they moved through; it was quite something to see. We’ll finish our conversation with Kathryn another day!
A couple of weeks ago I finished my first Hardanger lesson. I purchased a series of five lessons when we were in Victoria for Christmas. I started the first lesson the last time I was on Texada but finished it at home. When it was done I pressed it and attached it to the back of my door so I could admire it when I came into and left my sewing room.
The other day when I was cleaning up I took a break and stopped to admire my work because on this trip to Texada I’ll be starting lesson two. Much to my chagrin I noticed something asymmetrical about the piece. It was then I realized I had only done some of the cross stitching in the margin and not all of it.

I pulled it off the door today to pack in my bin but decided since it was a small amount I would get it done. Fortunately it was cross stitch and not any of the other “fancy” stitches or I might not have finished.